A label that recognizes quality in learning mobility.
A label that recognizes quality in learning mobility.
With the support of Erasmus+, the Euroapprenticeship partners have for the last decade developed and implemented the European Quality Assurance mobility label to recognize high quality mobility and award exemplary companies. The latest phase in this development is the digitalization of the EQAMOB label.
The label has always strived to be meaningful and promoted by partner collaboration. The website and the coordination of the Euro apprenticeship network was organized by CMA, Assemblée permanente des Chambres de métiers et de l’artisanat. CMA physically maintained the platform for the Euroapprenticeship network. The website has closed, and the network is taking a rest.
A new website is in the making and the EQAMOB partnership is now realized through the latest EQAMOB project that aims to digitize and digitalize the label through design thinking.
The EQAMOB label is built on a concept. The concept is defined by experienced partners as well as desk research and analysis.
It is difficult to fully understand the relationship between working and learning and that there is no universal/general model available. There are multiple connections and possibilities depending on the economic and social environment and there are different approaches used to develop a framework.
EQAMOB quality guidlines 2021-2023
These guidelines provide an overview of the quality guidelines and vision that the EQAMOB label and badge are founded on.
The Euro apprenticeship defines In-company Learning Mobility as follows:
In-company Learning Mobility consists of a period of work experience (or work-place learning) undertaken in another country. The objective of In-company Learning Mobility is to promote and enhance professional, international and transversal skills. Situated learning in a work environment allows for learning in context. Practical experience in an intercultural context fosters the ability to identify (and question) and reflect on work practices and learning processes for everyone involved.
In this third EQAMOB phase, the partnership is more inclusive in the definition of Learning Mobility (preliminary):
EQAMOB Learning Mobility consists of a period of learning experience in a specific vocation in another country. The objective of EQAMOB Learning Mobility is to promote and enhance professional, intercultural and transversal skills. Situated learning allows for learning in context. Practical experience in an intercultural context fosters the ability to identify (and question) and reflect on work practices and learning processes for everyone involved.
Built on this definition, we continue the work on specific quality recommendations to support all actors involved and to assist sending organizations and companies to better match these underlying expectations of learning mobility.